People consume product with three sequences.
| Cost | Use | Quality |
The sequence during choosing a product differs while a comparison among developing and developed countries’ Consumers. This discussion can make arguments, but what I learned is different and here I’m talking about the community whom are receiving an average income.
Along with a consuming preference from a developing country has the sequence
as, 1. Cost 2. Use 3. Quality
while developed country’s consumer holds a sequence of, 1. Use 2. Quality 3. Cost
Even though most of the Financial blame the Economic level where the particular Country stands, Educations and consuming Mentality also playing significant Roles. Let me explain,
In a developed Country, Consumers make their choice after considerations of the need and the quality of a product by keeping the price as the third in selection, while a developing Country’s consumer shows first preference for Cost. Indirectly Political, Educational, Traditional and Social aspects will make the sense on choosing.
Trend is a spread motive which can hold either good or bad values. So a Trend can be rated by those mentioned three sequences. A question, “what will happen a Trend?” and the answer is “The product needed to be covered by new believes”. Some producers use this as an advantage to cover their weakest products, since belief has been established.
In a developed Country, most of the producers make focus on quality while most of the developing Countries’ producers concern on their Cost, since all have to exist in the Market. Some profit oriented products make huge biological and social issues, even they are intentional they might have an indirect approach.
As a solution it is better to promote inland production under tough regulations. The products will be traditionally and socially native. In order to enhance the products, acquiring advance technologies even from outside the Country can enhance the Qualities. Cost will be reduced if raw materials were formed widely.
Hope you got an Idea.